WHO are we really?
Having talked and read in our lessons about relationships, friends, family and how we feel about all that, we came across some poems, funny and serious ones, that fit in with the topic quite well.
So why not use our own creativity and try being ‘poets’ ourselves …? One way was using one of those poems (‘I come from’ by Dean Atta) as a model for our own ideas. But then some preferred their own structures. Here are some examples from our “Poetry Corner” (Class 9c).
Quite an interesting collection, don’t you think? (Bu)
I come from (Anonymous)
I come from the hands of god, which modelled me
I come from people who criticized me
and from people who encouraged me
I come from my parents, who raised me
I come from my mother's morning kisses
and my father's good night stories
I come from the people I trust
and from the people I worry about
I come from the people I made proud
and I come from the people I disappointed
I come from failure and success
I come from the thoughts I'm thinking
and from words I'm saying
Weitere Gedichte der Klasse.